It’s on everyone’s mind when they book a photo shoot: what should I wear? And it’s not always as simple as picking something that you look good in, especially when you’re not the only person in the photo. There are lots of factors to consider when deciding what to wear to a photo shoot, so I thought I’d put together some ideas and tips for this week’s installment of 1000 Words.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve finally taken the plunge and started nurturing my personal Pinterest obsession. And I started a board titled “What to Wear to a Shoot“, which includes samples of great outfits that I’ve been gathering. Below are a few of my favourite examples of great, cohesive, complementary outifts and some tips on what to look for and/or avoid when planning your photo shoot attire (*note – I love all the pictures below, but none of them are mine. When I’ve been able to locate the source, I’ve given proper credit).
#1 Choose a Colour Palette
While you don’t all have to be totally matchy-matchy (in fact, I don’t really recommend identical/matching outfits at all – unless you’re twins and that’s your thing), it’s a fabulous idea to choose a colour palette that every person in the photo can stick with. I love this particular choice of purples, grays, and blacks. It’s so completely unique, and everyone has their own style within the photo, but the complementary colours add a real cohesiveness to the photo. Imagine if they were all in differing colours. The photo just wouldn’t have the same effect, would it?
#2 Think of your setting
Someone really gave a lot of thought to their backdrop when they chose the outfits for this photo shoot! Not only do the outfits of the adorable couple complement each other, but they also took their location into account and were able to stay within the same lavender colour palette as the flowers onsite. It’s always a good idea to visualize the location of your shoot, and try to have your outfits match the location somewhat. For example, if you are shooting at the beach on a sunny summery day, think about wearing light, breezy clothes in beachy colours (rather than structured suits or skirts in autumn shades).
#3 Think about the mood/theme of your photos
This tip is similar to the above tip regarding the location, but I think it should also be mentioned. Give some thought to what you want the finished product of your photos to look like. Do you want them to be fun? romantic? vibrant? formal? moody? old-fashioned? goofy? Once you know what you want the finished product to look like, try to plan your attire around that mood or theme – and make sure you let your photographer know so that they can make those adjustments when shooting or editing!
#4 Avoid logos and/or busy, distracting patterns
A few different complementary colours and textures are always great in a photo because they add interest and personality, but it’s a great idea to make sure those patterns/textures/colours don’t clash with each other. In the above photo, the wide stripes, tiny plaid and textured sweater all work really well together because some solid colours have been added in for variety. If you can, lay all the outfits out together before the shoot, just to make sure you don’t have paisley next to a giant floral pattern next to polka dots. If there are too many busy patterns going on in the photo, it takes away from the real subjects – you! Same goes for logos – no one wants to be advertising for Old Navy in their family photos!
#5 Don’t be afraid of white!
Contrary to popular belief, white can be totally fine in photographs! I’ve seen a few photographer’s websites that recommend against wearing white, but I think it can add a real freshness to photos. Don’t be afraid of wearing white. If it works with your colour palette, location and theme, go for it!
#6 Think top to bottom
When planning your photo shoot outfits, remember to plan from your head right down to your toes! Don’t forget about shoes and accessories – they should all work with your colour palette, theme and location as well! In the above photo, the little girl’s boots match everyone’s attire perfectly – as do mom’s necklace, and even dad’s bracelet and watch. Those little things can be incredibly noticeable in photos, so don’t forget the smaller details as well!
Most importantly – have fun when planning your photo shoot outfits! If you make sure your clothes really accentuate who you are, you can’t go wrong.