
Prevue HR | Richmond Headshot Photographer

Every now and then I get an inquiry that really gets me excited (ok – most inquiries get me excited, but some way more so than others!).  Ashley, from Prevue HR Systems, contact me back in May, looking for a photographer to come and take headshots for their TWELVE staff members. We all know how much I LOVE doing headshots, so this was truly a dream-come-true.  I was also able to work with my favourite make-up artist, Jana Wachowski, who was hired to make all the women look extra fabulous, so all in all, it was a really awesome morning.

The staff of Prevue HR were completely amazing to work with, and I think that’s a real testament to what they do in the human resources field. They were all lovely, passionate people, and it was a honour to photograph each and every one of them!

Richmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerRichmond headshot photographerEran Sudds is a Richmond headshot photographer, who also works in Delta, Surrey, Vancouver and on the North Shore. She also specializes in family portraiture and wedding photography.

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