
Baby R | Vancouver Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Newborn lifestyle sessions are quickly becoming one of my most favourite types of sessions. There’s something very humbling and flattering being invited into someone’s home right after the birth of a baby. It shows such trust, and I’m always honoured to witness the growing family as they adjust to life with their new addition. In the case of Sarah’s family, baby R was the new sister to two big brothers, both of whom were so excited and well-behaved during our session. I loved watching the family play together, and capturing those little moments on this quiet Saturday morning. Enjoy!

Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographerVancouver newborn lifestyle photographer

Eran Sudds is a Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer, who specializes in capturing fun and natural moments with you and your family. She is also available for maternity, family and headshot photography specials.

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