
Motherhood: Unfiltered ~ Jess

In an age where social media and technology provide us with constant opportunities to take and retake photos, add filters, edit flaws and present an often unrealistic image of ourselves and our lives as mothers, we set out to create a series of real-life motherhood moments – without the filters, without the edits, but with all the beauty.

This is Jess.

YouTube link

In her words:

As a relatively new mom, I am constantly astounded by my daughter and her total ability to progress in ways I’m sure I have nothing to do with. My husband and I are an inter-racial, inter-religious, and inter-continental couple, so our little girl is being exposed to a whole lot at once and is thriving! I consider myself a kid person, having worked with children my entire life, but I had no clue what motherhood would have in store. It is truly a full-time job, where days can go by at a glacial pace, but years fly by in a heartbeat.

What is your biggest challenge or concern as a mother? 
I think as a relatively new mother, my biggest struggle is trying to stay on top of EVERYTHING (i.e. housework, regular work, paper work, being a wife, being a mother, being a daughter, being a sister, being myself and being pregnant).
How has your experience as a mother shaped the way you experience the world and/or shaped your life?
Being a mom is a giant slap of reality. It puts all things into perspective and quickly aligns them behind the new #1, your child. My empathy for other parents has increased ten fold. From the mom yelling at her kids in the grocery store, to dads trying to put in a mini ponytail, to panicked pregnant moms making sure they have “everything” they will need, I am just so much more aware of what they are going through than I was previous to having a child.
What makes you a good mother?
I love the crap out of my kid! and REGARDLESS of what may come I will ALWAYS be there and love her just the same. Then there are all the “good mom” adjectives I feel like I possess like: supportive, encouraging, creative, patient, open-minded, silly, organized, and of course loving.
To view a selection of Motherhood: Unfiltered photographs in person, you can visit The Birch Tree in Ladner during their regular office hours.
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