In an age where social media and technology provide us with constant opportunities to take and retake photos, add filters, edit flaws and present an often unrealistic image of ourselves and our lives as mothers, we set out to create a series of real-life motherhood moments – without the filters, without the edits, but with all the beauty.
This is Jess.
In her words:
As a relatively new mom, I am constantly astounded by my daughter and her total ability to progress in ways I’m sure I have nothing to do with. My husband and I are an inter-racial, inter-religious, and inter-continental couple, so our little girl is being exposed to a whole lot at once and is thriving! I consider myself a kid person, having worked with children my entire life, but I had no clue what motherhood would have in store. It is truly a full-time job, where days can go by at a glacial pace, but years fly by in a heartbeat.
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