To my wonderful, loyal client base,
Can you believe the craziness in the world right now?? While our family practices social distancing and tries not to make each other crazy, I’m trying to maintain a positive attitude and do some proactive planning for this little photography business of mine.
It is so heartwarming to see all of the encouraging posts on Facebook and Instagram, as people look for the best ways to support each other during this bizarre time. As a small, local business, I am definitely feeling the impact. My once-full calendar of plans and bookings is now looking completely empty! But I am hopeful that once we flatten this curve, that many of us will be up and running, full steam, once again!
I know that many of you are facing the same hardships as small business owners and entrepreneurs, and I am actively seeking ways to support you. And I know that many of you are doing the same.
For those of you that book mini sessions with me regularly, or are interested in booking a family photo session when this is all over and done, I’ve come up with a some DISCOUNTED SPECIAL OFFERINGS for the summer and fall! I’ve created an online shop where you can pre-pay for Sunset Sessions, Fall Family Minis, Holiday Minis, regular family sessions and headshot sessions at special, discounted rates – but these sessions are limited!
Here’s what’s up for grabs!:
• 5 Sunset Sessions at $175 + GST (regular $275 + GST)
• 10 Fall Family Minis at $125 + GST (regular $189 + GST)
• 10 Holiday Minis at $125 + GST (regular $189 + GST)
• 5 all-inclusive Family Portrait Sessions at $300 + GST (regular $495 + GST)
• 5 Headshot Sessions at $125 + GST (regular $200 + GST)
All sessions must be prepaid in advance, but will be given priority booking when things calm down and I’m able to open up bookings. If social distancing needs to continue for a longer period of time, your payment will be kept on file as a credit towards another future session.
Thank you so much for considering supporting me and my business! I look forward to working with all of you again in the future!