
Erin’s Maternity Session | Tsawwassen Maternity Photography

This session and these photos are so incredibly special to me; I’m so excited to share them! I met the lovely Erin through Elevate, the magical, year-long mastermind program that I have been honoured to be a part of in 2014. We connected immediately at our retreat in January in Ojai, California, and have truly become soul sisters. At the time that we met, Erin and her hubby had been trying to get pregnant, and I think that she suspected that she was. I even hazarded a guess that she would have a baby boy (I have a weird talent at guessing babies’ genders!). Throughout the past year, I have witnessed so many beautiful transformations with the women of Elevate, but especially with Erin as she blossoms in her pregnancy, tackles her Masters program in Seattle and even completed the SeaWheeze half-marathon – literally the morning of our shoot, at 8 months pregnant!! This woman is amazing. One of the most special moments of this stunning, sunset shoot, was when Erin revealed the name she had her hubby had chosen for their new arrival. I found out through the lens of my camera, and couldn’t be more thrilled for this gorgeous mama. So much love.

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  • Miriam LindermanSeptember 18, 2014 - 6:57 pm

    You are a wonder to work with and I am looking forward to seeing my head shots. I know they’ll be great because you made the time together sing.ReplyCancel

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