
The Beckmans | Ladner Family Documentary Photographer

At 8:32am on a sunny August morning in 2016, I received a Facebook message that read: “I’m thinking we need to go for wine soon.”  For any of you wondering how to become one of my BFF’s, this is an excellent place to start.

I first met Carmel last summer when she took part in my Motherhood: Unfiltered series for the Good Mother Project. Since then, she has easily worked her way into the fabric of my life, first with the lure of wine at 8:30 in the morning, and then with her quirky sense of humour and her unwavering ability to just “be there.” She’s listened when I needed an ear, boosted me up when I was down, made friends with both my kid and my husband, and provided endless laughs and motherly assistance to my entire family.

It was an honour to be invited into her home for Motherhood: Unfiltered, and I was even more thrilled to return to take both some posed and candid shots of her whole family, just hanging out on a beautiful, dance-filled, fall morning.

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Eran Sudds is a Ladner family documentary photographer, who specializes in capturing natural moments at home or on-the-go with your family. She is also available for lifestyle family, maternity and newborn portrait sessions.

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