
Jen’s Sunset Session | Tsawwassen Photographer

I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend! It’s been a busy year, with new ventures, fun travels, new friendships and so many smiles. I’m really and truly honoured that I get to keep doing this thing that I love, and that it allows me to expand my horizons and experience new adventures at the same time!

And speaking of new adventures, it seems like every photo shoot with this family is always one! When I first met Jen and her family, she had a toddler and a brand new baby girl. Now her beautiful crew has expanded to include 2 more lovely boys and so much more joy and laughter. What always strikes me when I photograph this family is that there’s never any shortage of love and patience.

You would think that with an energetic crew like this one, someone would end up in tears or a tantrum, but that NEVER happens! Even their dog is chill and ready to pose for photos. And yes, we experience our share of silliness at their sessions, but it’s just enough to translate into beautiful images. I love the rapport that I have with this bunch!

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